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Snack Suggestions

Parents at CPS provide snack for their child’s class on a rotating basis.  CPS suggests that parents bring nutritious, low-sugar, NUT FREE snacks that include the following:
   1.    A starch (commercially prepared and nut free)

   2.    A fruit or vegetable

   3.    A protein source (yogurt, cheese, hummus, tofu spread, cream cheese)

Here are some snack items for you to mix and match. Please also pay attention to other posted food allergies in your particular classroom.  The suggested amounts are for the following class sizes: 2s classes -10 children and 2 teachers, 3s and 4s classes - 17 children and 2 teachers.

Starch (whole grains please)

Pretzels (1 med. bag)                
Crackers (1 lb. box – see below for hints about nut-free choices)        
Dinner Rolls (20)
Rice Cakes (2 bags)
Pirate’s Booty

Bagels (1 dozen)                    
Cheese (1 slice/stick per snacker)
Yogurt (1 small serving per snacker)
Hummus, Tofu Spread, or Cream Cheese ( 1 Med container) 
Sunflower butter or other nut free butter

Fruit and Vegetables (Organic if possible)
Bananas (5-6)                    
Mango (3-4)    
Apples (3-4)                        
Cucumbers (2-3)            
Pears (3-4)                        
Snap Peas/Snow Peas (3-4 per child)
Oranges (3-4)                    
Baby or Regular Carrots (1-2 bags)            
Baby Carrots (1 pkg.)                
Bell Peppers (3-4)
Grapes (1 lg. bunch)
Melon (1)
Berries (2 baskets)
Dried 100% fruit (2 cups)
Pitted Olives (2 cans)


  • We cannot serve popcorn to children 3 and under due to choking hazards

  • CPS provides cups and napkins

  • Teachers prepare snacks

Snacks to Avoid
Nutter Butters

Trail Mix
Any nut butters (peanut, almond)
Bakery Goods (unless all ingredients are listed and nut-free)

Cupcakes or other dessert-type treats.*


*If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday, it can be fun to bring a healthy snack that they especially enjoy, or bring notes or stickers to share with classmates. Talk to your child's teachers if you are interested.

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