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3s program

The program is made up of activities in art, music, pre-math, literature and science. There is time each day for outdoor play when children can play on climbing structures, ride wheeled toys and dig in a digging area.
Children have the opportunity to share books with friends and listen to stories read and told by teachers. Story props, flannel board stories and dramatic play are other areas that add dimension to our curriculum. Songs, finger plays, games and rhythm band are often included.
A wide variety of materials and learning centers are available throughout the morning and children choose from independent and teacher-supported activities. Although there is flexibility within the daily schedule, a general routine is followed that provides the children with a sense of consistency and security.
Special features may include guest speakers, pets, or planning a party for parents. The emphasis throughout the year will be in providing a rich variety of experiences to encourage positive self-esteem, social skills, self-direction, exploration and problem solving.

(541) 343-5730

1050 E 23rd Ave, Eugene, OR 97405


Certified 5 star rated program

©2019 by Congregational Preschool

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